Dirty Dick

After getting over the shock of the name, there's the languidly kitsch décor and 50s tropical-themed recipes to be taken in. The cocktail names come straight out of forgotten B-series movies or Cramps songs. Behind the bar, charming bearded gentlemen in Hawaiian shirts take you to a South Seas paradise, lend you Bermudas and a ukelele, and supply magical Tiki tipples to while away the time until the next wave comes along.
- 10 Rue Frochot, Paris, France
- 0148787458
- dirtydickparis@gmail.com
- lundi 18h00 à 02h00
- mardi 18h00 à 02h00
- mercredi 18h00 à 02h00
- jeudi 18h00 à 02h00
- vendredi 18h00 à 02h00
- samedi 18h00 à 02h00
- dimanche 18h00 à 02h00
- -30% sur les cocktails Paris Cocktail Week
de 18h00 à 22h00 avec le Pass