• - Liqueur Pimms n°1
  • - Thé noir du Yunnan parfumé à la pomme du Bengale et fruits exotiques
  • - Jus de citron
  • - Sucre
  • - Fruits de saison
  • - Absinthe
13€ 9€


Tie up your horse on Rue d'Aboukir, dust off your boots and chaps, and head down the steps into this lair of modern-day cowboys and girls. To a rock-steady beat, fast-on-the-trigger bartenders line 'em up for buckaroos who've worked up a thirst for cocktails and conquest in the heart of Paris. Three brothers run the joint. One more, and they could be the Dalton Gang. Yippee!

  • lundi 18h00 à 01h00
  • mardi 18h00 à 02h00
  • mercredi 18h00 à 02h00
  • vendredi 18h00 à 02h00
  • samedi 18h00 à 02h00
  • -30% sur les cocktails Paris Cocktail Week
    de 18h00 à 22h00 avec le Pass
en savoir plus


La Jardraie

  • - Perrier
  • - Confiture de figues
  • - Pomme fraîche
  • - Menthe fraîche
  • - Thé noir du Yunnan parfumé à la pomme du Bengale et fruits exotiques
  • - Jus de citron vert
  • - Sucre
  • - Canelle
9€ 6€


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One Pass that rules them all!

  • What can I do with my Pass? All of it!
    So here's how it works with your Pass:
  • 1/ Go to pariscocktailweek.fr, register and download your free personal Pass.
  • 2/ Enter any of the 75 bars, show your Pass and get 30% off both Paris Cocktail Week cocktails.
  • 3/ To participate in any Paris Cocktail Week event, just show your Pass at the door.

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Thank you. You will receive your Pass by email. Meanwhile, invite your friends.

More friends.
Alcohol is dangerous for your health. Drink responsibly.